Software Development

My name is Vyacheslav Volynets, I’m a software developer from Russia. I have a programming experience since 2002 and I’m an owner of the slava-soft SoftwareCompany, specializing in software development for Microsoft Windows. Also our company develops web-solutions such as e-shops, blogs, forums etc for business and home users.

Let me say some words about our products:


 Slava Proxy Server (SPS) is a powerful solution forsharing Internet  access in corporate or local network, making traffic calculations,    blocking ADs and restricting access to unwanted web resources.

 SPS allows you to monitor network activity online – who browses,   what’s browsed, for how long, and how many bytes are downloaded.

Also you can view the history of any user/group activity for any period, sort it by downloaded/uploaded bytes, view detailed statistics by web-sites.

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rspsbox    RSPS – the reverse socks proxy server

Some month ago i’ve completed reverse socks proxy server project (RSPS). RSPS differs from casual proxy server – he didn’t open a port. How you can connect reverse socks server? The RSPS self connects you!

How does it works?
The RSPS uses on computers, which can’t open a port, because firewall, router, etc. Port opens on your computer, and RSPS connect to your computer. And then you work with RSPS as casual proxy.

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